Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pay raise: Making police Mughal-e-Azam

I welcome 100% increase in the pay of Police Jawans and officers in NWFP and other Provinces and at the same time, I raise a question on the police stations in NWFP and other provinces. Problems of the masses do not relate to the police pay and allowances, our problems relate to police culture in the police station. An SHO getting 16000/= rupees pay per month was showing the attitude of Hitler and Pharoh in police stations. Now an SHO getting 32000/= rupees pay per month will become “ Moghal-e-Azam” An ordinary citizen will never dare lodge an FIR in the police station or register a complaint in the presence of the “ Moghal-e-Azam” . More over, former SHO used to demand minimum Rs 15000/= for listening to a complaint. Now the better privileged SHO will demand double of that amount to listen to the complaint of an ordinary person.
I suggest that curriculum of the police training schools may also be changed and methods of instruction in police academies may also be revised so that there is some sort of difference between a police and a “Dracola”. Cent percent increase in pay should not be instrumental to increase the rate of bribes up to 100% in future.
Bashir Hussain Azad,

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